Breaking the Shackles

Just got off a phone conversation with a friend. She was seeking my advice about her online consultation with the doctor and a series of blood tests to check the levels of cortisol, progesterone, estrogen, FSH, LH, testosterone, etc., that were prescribed. Her confusion…? Getting down to the brass tacks, Which is the most reliable […]
Salivary diagnostics using LFA technology

Since the dawn of the COVID pandemic, the term Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) has incorporated itself into the common household language. Technically termed Lateral Flow Assay (LFA), these tests are fabricated from paper-based materials coated with biological particles that can “sense” the presence of an analyte. A minimal construct, these LFAs usually produce color which can be read through the naked […]
Managing Stress

When a past event or recently upcoming event is overwhelming, this triggers stress. As a response to overwhelming demands, the adrenal glands produce a steroid hormone called Cortisol as a stress-response essential for the fight-flight mode. Certain medications such as corticosteroids (used in treatments such as asthma, arthritis) can also cause an increase in cortisol levels. If the body’s stress-response is triggered too often without giving it time to return […]
Salivary testing: The emerging health monitor

Modern day life comes with many challenges. Having a busy schedule with little or no time to visit diagnostic centers, long wait and risk of exposure to infections in the large crowds of the hospitals, senior citizens or physically challenged people who have mobility concerns and most importantly, the risk of invasive testing. In these […]
Healthcare Challenges in India

India is racing to become the most populous country in the world. With decrease in mortality rates and increase in life expectancy, India is trying to cope with healthcare challenges of a growing population. As published by a 2018 Statista Research, an estimated ₹1.6 lakh crores[1] was spent on public healthcare in 2018. In 2020, India’s GDP was […]