Physical & Mental wellbeing takes over financial wellbeing to become the most important wellness dimension.
1 out of 4 adults run a high risk of death due to physical and mental health issues, and more than half of them are not even aware of it.
Imagine being able to measure your health using your smartphone and access your wellness data in real-time with no dependencies.
CoHeal is an accessible, affordable, and easy-to-use mobile platform that measures your health & wellness in real time.
Around 32% of deaths globally are caused by coronary heart disease, making it the world’s single biggest killer.
Measure your Heart Health using CoHeal mobile application
Nearly 1 in 2 adults have high blood pressure or hypertension.
Measure your Blood Pressure using CoHeal mobile application
Blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) is the amount of oxygen that’s circulating in our blood.
Measure your SpO2 level using CoHeal mobile application
Blood glucose is the measure of glucose concentrated in the blood. and necessary for normal function.
Measure your Glucose level using CoHeal mobile application